
HomeSpeech TherapyAuditory Rehabilitation

Often have a family history of hearing loss, who don't seem to understand what is being said, not looking when called, loud speakers are at risk.

If an individual does not hear, which is the solution hearing aid to use or koklear implant if the decision, individual when device won't start hearing right away. Although the clarity of vision is provided as if wearing glasses,, hearing aid There is no increase in the ability to understand and use the language immediately.. For this, a good education is required.. These trainings are intervention programs that are individually prepared with the person and can include family training and are considered as auditory rehabilitation..


Hearing loss It does not have a single cause, nor does it have a single type and severity.. Usually sensorineural instrumentation for hearing loss ve koklear implant individuals in this group because the decision was made after device then they need an adaptation training. This, hearing loss In the pre-language period compared to the period in which it was lived, it was applied in an integrated way with language production programs., can be done with device/implant adaptation training in the period after language acquisition. At the same time, the individual instrumentation As the time difference between the age of the person and the age of loss widens, hearing aid/ cochlear implant The adaptation period is also prolonged..

While auditory rehabilitation programs with family participation are carried out in early childhood and school age, the education of the person who will help the individual in adulthood adaptation is an important element in auditory rehabilitation..


Usually in the family hearing loss with a history, who don't seem to understand what is being said, not looking when called, loud speakers are at risk.


  • Difficulty understanding what is being said in conversation,
  • Difficulty understanding what is being said when not seeing the speaker,
  • Door, not responding to phone ringtone,
  • Dont talk very loudy, TV, listening to the radio,
  • Difficulty understanding what people are saying and showing it,
  • Experiencing conditions such as ringing in the ear,
  • Not looking when called, response to loud noise,
  • Don't get startled when you hear clap etc.. hearing loss are among the symptoms.


Hearing loss It is necessary to go to an otolaryngologist and be examined before it can be detected.. Ear, nose and throat doctor hearing losswhen you suspect to the audiologist will direct. Audiologist; assessments of hearing and balance problems, health personnel who perform therapies. Audiologist, individual hearing loss will do some tests for. These tests are electrophysiological, measuring one's reactions as with objective tests hearing of your loss There may also be tests to detect. At the end of these tests, the person hearing loss whether or not, if any hearing of your loss type and severity will be determined.

in person instrumentation or koklear implant if the decision is made instrumentation in time your audiologist Auditory rehabilitation is started in line with the directives of audiologist executes.


Auditory rehabilitation is carried out with a family-based program and child-oriented in preschool and school age.. Noticing the Hearing, discrimination, training on recognition and comprehension steps, hearing aid use, of the person hearing aid It is discussed in a broad perspective, from what they can do about the law to learning about their legal rights.. At the same time, language skills are emphasized and general developmental parameters are also addressed in auditory rehabilitation..

Studies conducted in the adult group hearing aid/ cochlear implant for hearing loss adapt, from easy to difficult, with a cascading approach from coding sounds and understanding directions to maintaining a conversation.


As Özem Special Education and Rehabilitation Center hearing loss Auditory rehabilitation evaluation of individuals with audiologist made by.

At the same time, considering that the development is a whole, not only the comprehension skills of the individual, but also, motor, social, cognitive, communication skills are also evaluated by the relevant experts and the process is shared with the family..

Working with experts on the subject in children/adults who are decided to receive therapy, trainings are applied individually and family trainings and therapies are definitely supported..

All applications are carried out by providing evidence-based and interdisciplinary cooperation..

Özem Special Education and Rehabilitation CenterAddress
Mutlukent Neighborhood
Binsesin Site 1961. Cd.
No:15 Umitkoy
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