
HomeABA Therapy

ABA Therapy (Özem Aba Therapy Center is the only institution in Ankara that has the authority to implement the Aba Program and can apply it in accordance with the original.), Aba, UDA-based education for the individual, genetic, minimizing the impact of cultural and environmental disadvantages, developed to eliminate. ABA program is the only evidence-based autism education program.

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Applied Behavior Analysis in our country (UDA) is called. ABA therapy (UDA therapy) another one of his goals, It is to give special needs children the skills to catch up with their normal lives..

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) University of CaliforniaPsychologist Dr.. Ivar Lovaas was developed by, It is known as the only scientifically proven method in the education of individuals with autism.. ABA, not just in autism, It is a teaching system that is effective for all children with behavioral problems.. It should not be considered as applicable only to individuals with autism..

ABAThe main target in (anger, damaging, repetitive behaviors etc..), results in its integration into the rules and conditions of society.. Aim, correcting the wrong behavior and gaining new behavior.

Education, genetic, minimizing the impact of our cultural and environmental disadvantages, exists to eliminate.

ABA in therapy All behaviors are taught to children by dividing them into sub-steps.. While trying to teach these behaviors, certain basic principles are progressed..

These principles;

  • Should Be Practical
  • It Should Be Behavioral
  • Must Be Analytical
  • It Should Be Effective
  • Should be generalizable
  • It Should Be Technological
  • It must be finalizable

The biggest fear of families with a child with autism, It is the concern of how their children will continue their lives after them.. It is normal for every parent to experience this anxiety.. In order for families to experience this very basic and usual anxiety less, ABA therapy is the most appropriate and evidence-based method. Families in the education of their children ABA They should not neglect to work with a specialist.

ABA Another goal of therapy, It is to give special needs children the skills to catch up with their normal lives.. Therefore, at an early age ABA therapy training is very important.

ABA especially to therapy 3 should be started at or before. Minimum of training 1 year, per week 20 It is important to take it not less than an hour.. ABA Our experts will help you with your child's development in terms of time..

at an early age, will be heavily ABA with therapy, your child can quickly catch up with their peers by school time. The important thing for families here is that they do not forget that they are parents..

It is important that you do the repetitions suggested by the instructors at home.. However, do not play games with your child during this time., should not forget to do different activities with him. At the same time, you should not approach your normally developing child in the mode that you can do everything yourself..

Children grow up playing. The parts that are called missing will already be solved with intensive training.. You should only support the parts taught. remove your child from the game, you should not keep away from your social circle and friendship.

ABA Therapy


A psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, Dr.. A type of treatment called “Lovaas Therapy” based on the work of Ivar Lovaas, made by scientists of the discipline of applied behavioral analysis 50 built on years of research.

Lovaas, He is the first expert to suggest that autism is a manageable difference in some children.. all his strength and energy throughout his life, spent exploring effective training methods in autism. Lovaas, “If a child cannot learn by our teaching,, We must teach in a way that the child can learn.” saying, expressed the need to go beyond the usual teaching patterns..

1960in the 's, later "Early and Intensive Behavioral Educationstarted to develop the model based on applied behavior analysis called ”. Lovaas Technique, Discrete Essay Teaching (ADÖ – Discrete Trial Training) Also known as. In these years Lovaas, where there are teaching practices”I BookHe started working on what he would tell in ”. In addition to the content of the programs, He arranged the order of instruction of these programs and explained how they would be taught..

Discrete Essay Instruction, ABA It is a technique based on the principles of. Lovaas ProgramAs therapy for children with developmental delay and/or autism Ivar Lovaas by at the University of California developed. Lovaas, social skills ranging from very simple skills such as making eye contact to discrete trials, has used it to teach children with developmental delays a wide range of very complex skills, such as language skills.. While the model was previously based on a reward and punishment system,, later the use of the penal system was abandoned.

Lovaas, As a result of his research on children with autism that he observed, 30-40 80% of the children who receive DTT for 5 hours have reached the level of being able to receive academic education with their normally developing peers.. This work, 1987 It was published in the article titled “Behavioral Intervention and Normal Educational and Mental Functioning in Young Autistic Children”..


LovaasThe teaching model developed by, He pioneered the enlightenment of the lives of many families and children all over the world..

ABA Therapy

(Applied Behavior Analysis)


The first human experiments on operant behavior, 1949 Made by Fuller in. 1950 with 1960 between the years, researchers, using the methods of experimental behavior analysis, They worked on whether the results obtained in the laboratory environment could also be obtained in human studies.. Bijou, 1955-1958 During his years he worked with people diagnosed with mental retardation on some principles of behavior..

Baer, 1960-1962 investigated the effects of punishment on preschool children in the years of. Ferster and DeMyer, 1961-1962 in the years, conducted systematic, behavior-based studies with children with autism.. Lindsley, 1956-1960 He worked with adult schizophrenia patients on operant conditioning of behavior during his years.. All these researchers, demonstrated that the basic principles of behavior are applicable to humans and laid the foundations for the applied analysis of behavior that would appear later.. 1960In the 's, many researchers applied behavioral principles with great effort..

The first official source is the article "Psychiatric Nurses as Behavioral Engineers" published by Allyn and Michael in 1959.. Contemporary applied behavior analysis First issue of Journal Applied Behavior Analysis 1968 It started with the publication of. in the United States, Applied Behavior Analysis programs started to be opened in universities in the early 1970s., They included both teaching and research..

ABA Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) of

  • Applicability
  • behavioralism
  • analyticity
  • technologicality
  • Conceptual Systematicity
  • effectiveness
  • generalizability

Means that the behavior is socially significant. The target behavior is not theoretically, It is used to mean that it is a socially important behavior.. Behavior to be increased or decreased, must be socially important and urgent. It should mean gaining the appropriate behaviors accepted in the society or reducing the unsuitable ones..

Behavior with behavioral expressions, observable and measurable. Observable concrete behaviors of the individual are examined.. Defining and measuring behaviors accurately, data need to be reliably quantified.

Behavioral can be summarized in three points:

  • A target behavior should be determined and a change in this target behavior should be planned..
  • Behavior must be measurable.
  • If there has been a change in behavior during study time, the practitioner should examine whose behavior has changed.

It means investigating the functional relationship. Convincingly demonstrates that environmental events are responsible for the behavior or non-occurrence.. In order for the practitioner to analyze a behavior, he or she must have control over the behavior and must determine the functional relationship..

It means clearly describing the practice done so that it can be easily understood by someone else and applied in the same way.. All behavior change processes using applied behavior analysis methods should be technological. Iterability is also used as a synonymous term..

Facilitating intelligibility by systematically building conceptual integrity. Practitioners must systematically maintain conceptual integrity. Thus, other researchers or practitioners, They can easily access applications whose conceptual integrity has been achieved.. This feature also contributes to the formation of a discipline area..

It means revealing the power that creates the desired effect in the behavior studied.. effectiveness, It is defined as the power that creates a change in the behavior that is aimed to be changed or gained..

Behavior change, other environments other than the application environment, be sustainable in situations and behaviors.

ABA Therapy

(ABA) of
Basic Assumptions

  1. Behaviours, relates to the environment.
  2. Both appropriate and inappropriate behavior, governed by the same principles of conduct.
  3. One's past learning, biological characteristics contribute to their behavior.
ABA Therapy

Selection of Methods
and Evaluation

Education used in the field of autism, therapy and treatment methods are very diverse and new ones are added every day..

an education, benefits of therapy or treatment, should be demonstrated by scientific research results. However, any scientific research on a method, cannot show whether that method works or not. In order for the results of a scientific research to show the effects of a method, that research must have two characteristics.:

  1. Research experimental should be.*
  2. The research must be published as an article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.**

Myself Special education training promoted on website, therapy and treatment methods, Based on the above-mentioned features, it was evaluated as follows::

Good: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..
Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..
There is no experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism, or experimental studies have shown that this method does not have any positive effect on children with autism..

* Experimental research, research that is conducted by providing experimental control and allows to establish a cause-effect relationship..
** peer-reviewed scientific journals, are scientific journals that apply to the refereeing of more than one expert for the publication of each article..

ABA Therapy

Behavior Analysis

Applied behavior analysis (ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis), Also known as behavioral method. This method, It is based on objectively analyzing individual behaviors and the environmental characteristics associated with these behaviors.. Many behaviors are thought to be rewarded or punished in some way by the environment.. Therefore, using various reward mechanisms and some deterrent mechanisms when necessary. (for example, boy loses points) appropriate behaviors, Inappropriate behaviors are tried to be reduced..

Imitation skills as an example of behaviors aimed to be increased in individuals with autism, game skills, social skills, communication skills and self-care skills; Examples of behaviors aimed at reducing are anger tantrums and self-stimulation. (sterotipik) behaviors can be given.

In applied behavior analysis, the behaviors that are desired to be gained or reduced in the individual are determined by systematic observation and record keeping.. These behaviors are then intervened.. The effectiveness of the intervention is evaluated with the same observation and record keeping methods.. Normally developing children can apply a learned behavior in more than one environment. (while generalizing), generalize these skills to children with autism; in other words, Ability to use in different environments is also taught..

In applied behavior analysis, Special programs are prepared to reduce the problem behaviors seen in children with autism.. In this method, the cause of the behavior is not in the people, seen in the interaction of the person with the environment. Because, While trying to reduce the problem behavior, it is primarily pre-behavior., behavior and post-behavioral situations or events need to be observed. Then, the situations that predispose the behavior are eliminated.. When the behavior to be reduced occurs, it is ignored or discouraged (for example, boy loses points). Finally, the behaviors that are desired to be increased as an alternative to the problem behavior are rewarded effectively..

In applied behavior analysis studies for children with autism, the child's:

  • whenever he's awake,
  • targeting all behavior,
  • In all the circles of his life,
  • By all the important people in your life,
  • Per week 20-40 It is aimed to start education as early as possible..

The ultimate goal of applied behavior analysis for children with autism, these children come to a level where they can continue inclusion programs with their peers..

Applied behavior analysis compared to other methods applied in autism, It draws attention as the only method that can scientifically demonstrate its success with experimental research.. For example, Experimental studies by Lovaas and colleagues, Nearly 90% of children who received training based on applied behavior analysis for two years showed very significant intelligence and social development gains.. Moreover, It has been determined that almost half of these children do not have any significant differences from children with normal development in terms of intelligence and adaptability.. Moreover, It has been determined that the mentioned developments are also preserved in adolescence.. None of these developments were observed in the control group, which consisted of children who had the same characteristics as the children in the experimental group but did not have the chance to receive such an education..

ABA Therapy

With Discrete Trials

Method Evaluation:
GOOD: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..

Teaching with discrete trials, also known as the Lovaas method (DTT: Discrete Trial Teaching), several consecutive teaching presentations in a one-on-one teaching session. In these presentations, a question is asked to the child., command or tool is directed; A response is expected from the child in return.; correct responses are rewarded; wrong answers are corrected. With this system, children with autism can gain skills from all developmental areas..

In error-free teaching, which is a more systematic form of teaching with discrete trials, various clues are used during teaching..

Like this, the child's probability of making mistakes is minimized. These clues are gradually eliminated after the child becomes capable of performing certain behaviors with the help of clues..

Imitation, which is the critical skill area of ​​teaching with discrete essays for children with autism., matching and classification, receptive language, game, self care etc. Its effectiveness in acquiring skills has been demonstrated by various experimental studies..

ABA Therapy

Early Intensive
Behavioral Education

Method Evaluation:
Good: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..

Early intensive behavioral training (THERE: Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention) 40 Under the leadership of Lovaas over a year ago UCLA’of (University of California at Los Angeles) It is an application initiated and supported by a wide range of experimental research.. Implementation is initiated as early as possible with one-on-one instruction and 20-40 executed in hours. In practice, while the teaching technique with discrete trials was used at first, other techniques and group training gradually became involved.. The application is mostly carried out in each child's own home.. Moreover, A curriculum covering all areas of development is followed..

Studies have shown that nearly half of the children receiving this type of education have made great progress in all areas and are able to continue the rest of their education with their peers in inclusive environments..

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ABA Therapy

With Activity Schedules

Method Evaluation:
Good: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..
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In teaching with activity charts (activity schedules), the skill to be taught to the child is divided into small steps. A visual chart showing these steps (for example, photo notebook) is prepared. Then, by following this chart, the child (for example, turning the pages of the notebook), to do each step. Provide physical assistance to the child so that he or she can do the steps. For example, By standing behind the child and holding it over his hand, it is ensured that he turns the page of the notebook and holds the tool as he sees it in the photo.. Error-free teaching techniques are used in the systematic presentation and elimination of the clues used during teaching..

Teaching autistic children various skills independently of others with activity charts, especially self care, It is very effective in enabling them to fulfill their daily life and leisure time skills.. As a chart according to the child's characteristics, Single-page or multi-page written or visual materials can be used., Technological tools such as computers can also be used..

ABA Therapy

With Line Fading

Evaluation of the Method:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

Teaching method with line fading interact with children, It is used to teach conversation initiation and maintenance skills.. Teaching with line fading, It aims more than making children with autism talk by giving clues or answering our questions.. The aim is to teach them to chat with us.. For example, a child's line from a question to a friend sitting next to him during lunch about what he did in the morning; another child's may consist of saying "see you soon" when leaving someone's company.. Written or verbally presented line models are eliminated over time..

Like this, the child becomes able to use that expression at appropriate times without any assistance. There are several experimental studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this system..

ABA Therapy

with video
Being a Model

Method Evaluation:
Good: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..

Modeling with video (video modelling) in the application, The performance of the skills that the child is asked to model is shown to the child from the video.. The image in the video may belong to another child or adult., It can also belong to the child himself.. The skills that the child is planned to learn; for example, Video shows his imaginative game playing skills with farm animals.. The same tools are in front of you while watching. Physical prompts offered to the child from outside of the field of view enable the child to do the same as they watch in the video.. For example, By holding the child's hands over the screen, the animals he sees on the screen are made to jump.. The help offered to the child is systematically eliminated and various reward systems are used during teaching..

Social modeling with video, communicative, game, There are many experimental studies showing that it is effective in gaining self-care and daily life skills..

ABA Therapy


Evaluation of the Method:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

Opportunity teaching (incidental teaching), It is a method used to develop communication skills.. An environmental arrangement is made to prepare the ground for the child to attempt communication for opportunity teaching practices.. For example, A toy that the child likes very much is placed in a place where the child can see but cannot reach.. When the child attempts to reach for the toy, the child is encouraged to make a verbal or gestural communicative behavior to ask for the toy.. Child's communicative efforts, rewarded by fulfilling the child's wishes. Increasingly, more advanced communicative behaviors are expected from the child and are modeled for the child when necessary..

Experimental research shows that opportunity teaching is especially effective in young children and that the acquired communication skills are likely to be generalized..

Basic response teaching (PRT: Pivotal Response Training) The technique known as the technique is also an adaptation of opportunity teaching and is widely used with children with autism..

ABA Therapy

Functional Evaluation
and Analysis

Evaluation of the Method:
Good: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..

Functional evaluation and analysis, developed as an alternative to traditional behavior management systems. Purpose of the app, to determine the functions of behavioral problems and to gain appropriate behaviors for the same functions.. The main functions of behavior problems are to obtain the attention of others, obtaining an opportunity for an object or activity, It is considered to be avoiding unwanted activities or obtaining sensory pleasure.. Studies have shown that anger tantrums, which are common in children with autism, generally serve the first three functions.; shows that self-stimulating behaviors mainly have the function of obtaining sensory pleasure.. In gaining appropriate behaviors towards these functions,, Techniques to increase behavior, especially rewarding (for example, shaping and chaining) used.

There are various empirical research findings regarding the effectiveness of the application..

ABA Therapy


Method Evaluation:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

PECS (Picture Exchange Communication Communication System Based on System/Picture Exchange), It is an alternative communication system developed by American psychologist Andy Bondy and speech therapist Lori Frost.. child in PECS, to get a desired object or activity, taught to give a picture of that object or activity to the other person. PECS can be taught to any child with autism who cannot speak or use speech functionally..

PECS teaching is divided into six phases. The child who initially expresses his need with a single picture, learn to distinguish different pictures over time and make sentences with pictures. Pictures and sentences are placed in a movable velcro folder. The purpose of this, whenever the child wants, is to give him the opportunity to communicate by establishing a new sentence wherever he wants.. PECS system interact with friends, It is also used to improve the skills of taking turns and playing games..

Studies have shown that a significant portion of children learning PECS can communicate functionally.; that some of these children develop speech as well as communication with pictures.; Behavioral problems seem to decrease.. on the other hand, There are also children with autism who are stuck in a certain phase of PECS or who do not benefit enough from PECS..

ABA Therapy

Verbal Behavior
and Analysis

Evaluation of the Method:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

Evaluation of the Method: Moderate Experimental research showing positive effects of this method on children with autism is quite limited..

verbal behavior (VB: Verbal Behavior/AVB: Applied Verbal Behavior) method, Skinner's 1957 It is the use of the views he put forward in the theoretical book titled “Verbal Behavior”, which he wrote on language development in 2001, to help children with autism gain communication skills.. The purpose of this method; children by making various behavioral practices, functional communication skills. First request notification in these applications (mand) and naming/description (tact) aimed at gaining skills. Then planning is done to gain higher level communication skills..

In verbal behavior method, without waiting for fluent language skills to reach a certain level,, begin to work on expressive language skills. In this method, function is always seen as more important than form.. Therefore, Speaking in the context of a real wish-making, during the first step of wish-making instruction, Is, signal or by any other means, it is provided to make a request and reach its request.. This teaching, Follows the teaching of other language skills.

In verbal behavior teaching, For each concept, it is tried to ensure that the child fulfills the skills listed below.:

  • Asking for water when you want to drink water,
  • Show water when asked,
  • Saying "water" when asked what he drank,
  • “What do you wash your hands with??Responding when asked.

Although this method seems quite logical and is recommended by prominent experts in the field,, There is limited published scientific evidence of its effects on children with autism.. Moreover, It is also argued that this method is not a separate method, but uses the techniques in applied behavior analysis with a new blending..

ABA Therapy

Peer Mediated

Evaluation of the Method:
Good: There are many experimental studies showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism..

In peer-mediated practices, peers take on the role of tutor or facilitator of communication and maintenance.. These apps (a) peer modeling and (b) It can be carried out in two basic ways, namely peer teaching.. In peer modeling, the peer of the child with autism becomes a model for the child to exhibit a certain skill and it is aimed that the child exhibit this behavior.. In peer teaching, it is aimed that the peer tutor teaches the peer with autism spectrum disorder.

Peer tutors are trained by the teacher or practitioner on how to teach.. The peer tutor offers instructions in this process., to offer a tip, offers systematic instruction to his peer by learning to offer reinforcement. When peer teaching is planned, care should be taken to select peer tutors among children who do not have attendance problems, volunteer for this process and generally have positive interpersonal relationships.. The whole process should be followed under the supervision and consultancy of the teacher throughout the teaching.. Peer modeling and peer teaching can be done by children at the same age, or it can be planned among children of different ages.. It can be used effectively especially in inclusive environments.. Moreover, siblings, cousins ​​can also do peer modeling or teaching. Language and communication skills, It is successfully used in teaching academic and social skills..

ABA Therapy


Evaluation of the Method:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

TACK (Treatment and Education ofAutistic and Related Communication Handicapped) 1960It is a method, also known as structured teaching, which was developed by Eric Schopler in the USA in the North Carolina state in the 's.. Skills of the child with autism in the program, based on interests and needs. In this method, not the child's adaptation to the environment, the environment is intended to fit the child. Therefore, physical environment is custom configured, events are organized in a predictable way, visual plans that can be followed are prepared and structured workspaces are used. Children perform certain skills by following their visual plans in their own study corners.. Thus, their dependence on others is tried to be minimized..

Although it is widely used all over the world and in Turkey, most of the studies showing the effects of TEACCH on children with autism are descriptive., does not show experimental research. Therefore, Experimental studies are needed to demonstrate the effects of TEACCH compared to other methods..

ABA Therapy

Relationship Based

Evaluation of the Method:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

relationship-based (relationship-based) methods, are methods that prioritize emotional development and attachment in children.. Floortime is the most popular of these methods. (DIR) and RDI is. The main thing in these methods is to have social interactions with the child in free play environments.. Thus, it is aimed to develop the child's social interaction skills and to enable them to enjoy these skills.. During interactions, the child's leadership is followed and everything the child does is considered to have deep meaning.. Therefore, The child's actions are not hindered or interrupted.; just the opposite, Attempts to interact with the child by doing things similar to what the child does. Unlike Floortime, it is claimed that RDI also includes activities that develop dynamic intelligence.. However, How these activities are done is not fully understood from the sources..

Social interaction is one of the main areas of disability in autism., relationship-based methods can be attractive to practitioners and families. However, studies demonstrating the effects of these practices do not go beyond case examples or descriptive studies.. Therefore, unless its effects have been demonstrated by experimental research., It is impossible to accept these methods as scientifically based..

ABA Therapy


Method Evaluation:
Medium: Experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism is quite limited..

TACK (Treatment and Education ofAutistic and Related Communication Handicapped); 1960It is a method, also known as structured teaching, which was developed by Eric Schopler in the USA in the USA in the North Carolina state.. Skills of the child with autism in the program, based on interests and needs. The purpose of this method, not the child's adaptation to the environment, the environment is suitable for the child. Therefore, physical environment is custom configured, events are organized in a predictable way. Visual plans that can be followed are prepared and structured workspaces are used. Children perform certain skills by following their visual plans in their own study corners.. Thus, their dependence on others is tried to be minimized..

Although it is widely used all over the world and in Turkey, most of the studies showing the effects of TEACCH, an application of ABA Therapy, on children with autism are descriptive in nature., does not show experimental research. Therefore, Experimental studies are needed to demonstrate the effects of TEACCH compared to other methods..

ABA Therapy


There is no experimental research showing that this method has positive effects on children with autism, or experimental studies have shown that this method does not have any positive effect on children with autism..

Also known as assisted communication, facilitated communication (FC: Facilitated Communication), It is an alternative method used in children with autism who cannot communicate verbally.. This method, of the child's message, is written with the physical support of an assistant. Helper, helps the child to type on the keyboard by holding the child's hand or wrist. In some systems, what the child writes becomes verbal.. In order to use this method, the child with autism must know how to read and write.. Because the helper has direct contact with the child, may unintentionally affect communication., can guide the child in his own direction., This method of communication has been severely criticized.. In the researches, It shows that meaningful sentences cannot be produced with the support of helpers who do not know the child.. Therefore, It is thought that the messages written belong to the helper rather than the child..

1994 In , the American Psychological Association published an opinion that this method is not scientific.. Today, There is no need for further research on this issue because it is accepted that the studies are convincing in showing the ineffectiveness of the method..

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