
HomeIndividual Education

written for each disabled child., developed by the unit established in the educational institution to which the individual belongs and, teachers, are special education programs created to meet the special needs of parents.

Individual training written for each disabled child., It was developed by the unit established in the educational institution to which the individual belongs and, teachers, are special education programs created to meet the special needs of parents. Individual training Individualization; It is to consider the educational needs of the individual, not a group, in a way that will facilitate his or her independent life today or in the future.. Individual training educational program; Objectives that will meet the educational needs of an individual or group in general terms, contents, learning and teaching processes and assessment. 4 written materials that have an important element. Planning ; is the process of developing and implementing the program. If we want to make a more detailed definition of IEP, within the framework of the above concepts., Individual training IEP is the development of the individual in need of special education or in the discipline areas required by the program applied to him. ( self care, academic skills, social skills, communication etc.) from suitable educational environments to meet their educational needs. ( school, special education school, special education class etc.) and support services ( resource room classroom help, language and speech therapy, physical rehabilitation vb.) It is a written document that provides the highest level of benefit. Individual training This document is planned with the cooperation of the family teacher and relevant experts and is implemented with the approval of the individual's family.. Legal Basis:573 The Decree on Special Education No. 4. Article (f) at the dam It is essential to develop an individualized education plan for individuals in need of special education and to implement individualized education programs, thus making IEP legally compulsory..


Individual training, individual, your family, It is a special education program that includes support education services that are prepared in line with the needs of the teacher and will be given for the targeted purposes.. Individualized education program developed for the individual with special education needs and approved by his/her family; Individualized education programs, observation in all areas of development and discipline of the individual, It is evaluated by using development and evaluation scales and in line with the level of realization of the targeted objectives.. These evaluations are based on the individualized education program to be prepared for the individual and the orientation decision.. If we explain the IEP, which we briefly mentioned in the introduction, in this section, IEP; Special needs individual; to meet the educational needs;

  • DISCIPLINE AREA, Self-care Academic Communication Motor Life Science Social Adaptation Social Skills Music Painting
  • EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT, Mainstream Special Education Class Special Education School Hospital schools
  • SUPPORT SERVICES Resource Room In-class Support Language and Speech Therapy Physiotherapy Transportation Family Education Home Education Written document that envisages maximum benefit.

Discipline areas on the side, educational environments and support services may vary according to the individual's characteristics and needs.. This document is Family,It is planned with the cooperation of teachers and relevant experts and implemented with the approval of the individual's family.. Generally individualized education program, how the actions and sub-steps that the person should do according to his needs, with who, where, It is a flow plan that shows in what time it will be done.. Based on this definition, IEP, anne, baba, special education teachers, under the supervision of a team of school administrators and other relevant experts; Physical, Social, sensory, cognitive, Language Communication; taking into account what they can do in areas such as, the additional educational experiences necessary for the person with a disability to show the behaviors expected by social norms according to their age., environments, of those who will take charge, are the plans that show working hours. Having individual goals specific to the student in line with group goals and determining how to reach these goals.. This process; children with disabilities, is the process of developing and implementing effective teaching services.. A written document in which one or more arrangements are planned for a student to be followed in the educational setting.. in this document, your student, the program in question, in the information they will learn at the end of the class or subject., adaptations in skills / changes are indicated. Developed in writing for each disabled child and, teachers, are special programs created to meet the special needs of parents or foster families..


What Is Not?


They are not individual worksheets.. It is not a study program that only concerns the teacher.. It is not a tool to get rid of the student who is seen as a problem in the classroom.. It is not a decision file that specifically labels an individual. It is not a progress or enrollment chart that only deals with the student's academic performance.. It is not an economics program that imposes additional burdens on teachers and families.. It is not a homework-study program that forces the student to do more homework-study than they can.


Utilizing the services offered at the highest level CONTEMPORARY DEMOCRACY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Planning and implementation taking into account individual needs.


All individuals can learn, regardless of disability type and degree.. in children, dil, problem solving, mental processes, behavioral traits and learning traits may differ from each other. Even children living in the same environment are different.. For example, Physical development and behavioral characteristics of children in the same age group and studying in the same class may differ.. Moreover, These features do not develop in the same way in every person.. This development also differs from other people. Weaknesses and strengths of individuals progress differently within themselves.. Moreover, The characteristics and behaviors of the children themselves are also different.. For example, a person is very successful at sporting events; but may fail in artistic activities. IEP aims to develop the individual by taking into account the differences. In order to make the program more effective, students should be contacted early with their parents or guardians., continuous and meaningful relationship should be established. It is important to generalize the changes that occur in the student and to perform them in different environments.. It is important to make the necessary arrangements in these environments.. The students should be taught the skills required in their daily life, which are defined as the behaviors expected from them at home or in the society..


Who's BEP

Individuals who cannot adequately benefit from the educational opportunities provided to their peers due to their disability or inadequacy., %92 Disability or inability, In addition, individuals who negatively affect their educational performance, Individuals who are thought to need specially arranged support training to meet their needs, Needs an individualized education program.


  1. IEP meetings, communication tool between family and school staff. Student's needs, It gives both parties an equal say in what can be achieved and what situations may be encountered..

  2. BEP, It is a written commitment that the support services related to the special education services that the student needs will be provided to the student..

  3. BEP, your family, It is a tool for monitoring and evaluation of the work of the school and all related units and their contributions to the student..



Providing educational services suitable for the individual, Identifying appropriate and realistic goals for the individual, It can be listed as revealing whether these objectives are met or not..

Moreover, Benefits of BEP, parent, child, can also be listed in terms of teachers and society.. 1. From the student's point of view; identify the different needs arising from the student's disability. With the special education services to be provided, it will be clarified how the student's knowledge and skill deficiencies will be eliminated.. Participation of teachers who have learned the techniques that will make learning more meaningful in the IEP process is ensured.. In this way, it is ensured that the child's education is developed and different arrangements are made in education.. IEP prepares the individual for an independent life. 2. In terms of parents; It acts as a communication tool between parents and school staff and meets the needs of the child., gives both sides an equal say in what can be achieved and what the consequences may be. It provides significant benefits in resolving the differences of opinion between parents and school.. 3. From the teacher's point of view; allows the teacher to function as a practice and assessment tool in determining the child's progress towards the intended goals.. classroom environment, It allows the classroom teacher to develop alternatives by sharing with counselors and people from other disciplines outside the classroom.. Acts as a plan and guide for the teacher. 4. In terms of society; In developed societies, children with disabilities were given the same rights as normal children.. Moreover, It has been realized that the problems faced by children with disabilities have a multifaceted structure and that there is a gap between the educational needs of children with disabilities and the level of meeting these needs.. IEP is also useful in that it aims to make the individual fit and useful to the society..


How is it prepared?

IEP Process 7 Consists of Basic Phase:

  • Determination of suitable educational environments and support services to be provided in these environments,
  • Creation of the team that will prepare the Individualized Education Program,
  • Determining the educational performance level of the child,
  • Implementation of the BEP, determining the responsible persons for monitoring and evaluation, preparing the timeline and deciding on the evaluation method,
  • family approval,
  • Determining long and short term goals,
  • Preparation of individualized education program Determination of appropriate teaching materials and teaching methods.
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