
HomeSpeech TherapySpeech Voice Disorder

It is also important to have your child's hearing checked to make sure there is no hearing loss.. Because; a child with hearing loss may have more trouble learning to speak.

children in general, necessary for oral expressions in language acquisition speech sounds for example /p/, //z/ when acquiring certain sounds before, such as m / or /b/, /Other sounds like ş/ or /r/ take longer to acquire. most children 5,5-6 must correctly pronounce almost all speech sounds by age. In a child who does not speak until the expected age speech sound disorder it could be. a general term speech sound disorder functional (articulation disorder, phonological disorder), organic (structural, organic, sensory) and engine (description, dysarthria) can be classified in various ways as. This condition can also be caused by some congenital or later problems..

of a child crying, to the meaningless sounds it makes, syllable repetitions of these meaningless sounds, While the adventure of “acquiring language”, which takes place until the formation of meaningful expressions, is smooth for some babies,, it can be a bumpy road for some babies.


  • a developmental disorder such as autism;
  • a genetic syndrome such as Down syndrome;
  • Hearing loss from ear infections or other causes;
  • Brain injury, such as cerebral palsy or head injury;
  • for no reason;
  • cognitive difficulties;
  • Adults may also have speech sound disorders. Some adults have problems that started as a child. Others after stroke or traumatic brain injury or other trauma speech disorders can develop.


speech sounds age of acquisition varies from voice to voice. There are some age criteria for each sound to be extracted.. With this;

  • of a child 2 25%-50% of what you say at your age should be understood by the foreigner.
  • of a child 3 50-75% of what you say at age old should be understood by a foreigner.
  • of a child 2 75%-100% of what you say at your age should be understood by a foreigner.


Your child can replace one sound with another, can exclude sounds, add or change a voice. It may be difficult for others to understand it. It's normal for young children to sometimes say the wrong sounds. For example, your child can make a "v" sound instead of an "r" and say "avaba" for "car". Although this situation is considered normal at a certain age, it can be a problem if he continues to make these mistakes as he gets older..


If your child speech sound disorder If you think that this is the case, professional audiology and speech disorders specialist / speech and language therapist. Expert, will listen to your child name the pictures using a variety of pictures to hear how they say the sounds. Also, your child's lips, he will also look at how he moves his jaw and tongue. Although the problem speech sounds It can also test your child's language skills, even if you think. Because speech sound disorder Many children with mental illness also have language disorders.. For example, your child may have trouble following directions or telling stories.

It is also important to have your child's hearing checked to make sure there is no hearing loss.. Because; a child with hearing loss may have more trouble learning to speak.


If at the end of the evaluations your child speech sound disorder audiology and speech disorders Speech and language therapy intervention should be initiated by a specialist/speech therapist. in therapies;

  • Learning the right way to make sounds
  • learning to tell when sounds are true or false
  • Working with different words
  • of a child crying, to the meaningless sounds it makes, syllable repetitions of these meaningless sounds, While the adventure of “acquiring language”, which takes place until the formation of meaningful expressions, is smooth for some babies,, it can be a bumpy road for some babies.


As Özem Special Education and Rehabilitation Center speech sound disorder Evaluation of suspected children is carried out with their families and is carried out by speech disorders specialists..

At the same time, considering that development is a whole, not only communication skills of the child but also, motor, social, cognitive skills are also evaluated by the relevant experts and the process is shared with the family..

Working with the experts of the subject in children who are decided to receive therapy, trainings are applied individually and family trainings and therapies are definitely supported..

Özem Special Education and Rehabilitation CenterAddress
Mutlukent Neighborhood
Binsesin Site 1961. Cd.
No:15 Umitkoy
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