Hearing loss, It is the inability of the individual to hear the auditory stimuli or not hearing enough due to the pathology of the ear and hearing-related central regions due to congenital or subsequent reasons.. Since hearing and speaking are two components that affect each other, the individual hearing when the individual experiences a loss of language comprehension, may also affect their ability to use language and maintain communication, and as a result speech disorder occurs. Especially in the pre-linguistic period hearing loss When in doubt, detailed assessments of language development and, if necessary, behavioral interventions should be performed..
Hearing loss there is no reason. Prenatal, Many conditions during and after birth hearing loss why could it be. At the same time hearing loss age of onset, It can also be a situation that affects language and speech as its severity and variety, or not at all, but negatively affects communication..
Hearing loss Usually conductive type in outer and middle ear injuries. hearing loss is called. Sensor inside the inner ear and beyond, neural, sensorineural hearing loss is named as. Transmission type hearing lossbee usually recovers with pharmacological and surgical interventions. sensorineural in hearing loss intervention with equipment and training. Here, the instrumentation is the hearing aid., koklear implant, brain stem implant.
Usually in the family hearing loss with a history, who don't seem to understand what is being said, not looking when called, loud speakers are at risk.
Hearing loss It is necessary to go to an otolaryngologist and be examined before it can be detected.. Ear, nose and throat doctor hearing losswhen you suspect to the audiologist will direct. Audiologist; hearing and evaluations about balance problems, health personnel who perform therapies. Audiologist, individual hearing loss will do some tests for. These tests are electrophysiological, measuring one's reactions as with objective tests hearing of your loss There may also be tests to detect. At the end of these tests, the person hearing loss whether or not, if any hearing of your loss type and severity will be determined.
The comprehensive hearing loss at the end of the assessment speech therapist understanding of the individual, will make a detailed assessment of language use and speaking skills. This includes individuals of all age groups.. However, at the end of the comprehensive language and speech evaluation, the necessary intervention program will be created in the field of communication skills of the individual..
Hearing at the loss early intervention, early instrumentation and family education are the three most important components. Speech disorders specialists/ language speech therapists It can do activities to produce and understand the language with individuals who have these components, as well as provide the necessary initiatives in cases that are late.. In general, as well as therapy programs aimed at improving language in natural environments,, Applications can also be made on the basis of sign language.. Family matters here., to ensure the participation of the environment and the child and to support the therapy program according to appropriate factors..
understanding language, using language, keep in touch, Language and speech therapies can be done in many areas such as interfering with speech sounds..
As Özem Special Education and Rehabilitation Center hearing loss Comprehensive assessment of communication skills of individuals with audiologist ve speech therapists made by.
At the same time, considering that development is a whole, not only communication skills of the individual, but also, motor, social, cognitive skills are also evaluated by the relevant experts and the process is shared with the family..
Working with the experts of the subject in children who are decided to receive therapy, trainings are applied individually and family trainings and therapies are definitely supported..
All applications are carried out by providing evidence-based and interdisciplinary cooperation..
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