Individualized Instruction
Speed, Method, Contents, Individualized Teaching Examples, Recent Topics
Improving teaching, It has been a target of educators until the teachings of the Greek philosopher Socrates.. Although there are many different approaches, in most cases teaching can be characterized by the following tasks: setting goals, teaching content based on these goals and evaluating performance. This formula is indeed the most common; with this, There have been many advocates of alternative approaches. Among alternative approaches, individual learner's characteristics are considered more, there is a focus on a more individualized approach to teaching. Every approach to individualizing teaching is different, but they all try to manipulate the following three key variables:
- Speed: The time given to a student to learn the content
- Method: how the instruction is structured and managed
- Contents: material to learn
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There are two main extremes when considering teaching speed.. First, someone other than the student, usually a teacher or trainer, controlling the time spent learning the material. In this situation, specific deadlines are defined before the instruction begins. This, currently the dominant model in most education systems. vice versa, it would be if the student had exclusive control over the pace of instruction without a time limit. Between these two extremes, control of teaching speed, not necessarily equally, there are situations where it is shared or negotiated by the teacher and student.
As learning and teaching theories develop and mature, more and more emphasis is placed on how learning takes place. Instructors to explain the way students learn, apply a combination of theory and principles when preparing instruction. This, may affect whether instruction is designed for a homogeneous group or flexible in anticipating individual differences among students.. in most cases, instruction is designed for the average student and is temporarily customized by the teacher or instructor as needed when instruction begins. This type of teaching, Although it takes some account of individual differences between students during teaching,, does not fall within the typically accepted definition of individualized instruction. In order for the teaching to be accepted individually,, instruction is often designed to take into account specific student characteristics. This, may include alternative teaching methods for students from different backgrounds and learning styles.
To help clarify this point, the teaching method used can be considered in terms of endpoints.. at the first extreme, a teaching method is used for everyone. To describe this initial state inclusion ve mainstreaming terms such as. at the second end, a specific teaching method is used for each individual. Among these extremes are situations where students are grouped according to their characteristics.. These groups can vary in size and the teaching method is adapted to each group..
Perhaps the least frequently replaced component, is real learning content. However, it is possible to diversify the content taught to different students or groups of students. Hem “tracing” him the “enrichment”, are examples of customizing educational content. A renewed movement towards student-centered principles in education, 1990gave more importance to this component in the. It has become possible to find examples of teaching environments in which students define their own content and continue to learn according to their own interests.. However, in most cases, this opportunity is limited to high achieving students. In terms of endpoints, content may be uniform for all or unique to each individual. Between these extremes, content can be changed, but only if it is within a predefined range.
Individualized Teaching Examples
There are many examples of teaching approaches that have modified some or all of these three components.. In all of these examples the purpose, was to improve the teaching experience for the individual student. Some of the most notable approaches historically are discussed below.. In each example, both benefits and criticisms of each approach are discussed.
Personalized Education System. 1964 The Personalized Education System, or Keller Plan, introduced by Fred Keller in, perhaps one of the first comprehensive individualized instructional systems. Keller, based its system on ten accepted educational principles (McGaw, s. 4):
- Active answering
- Positive conditions and results
- Specifying targets
- Organization of the material
- pre-progression mastery
- Assessment/goal alignment
- Frequent evaluation
- Instant feedback
- Self-paced speed
- Personalization
None of these ten principles should be considered unique, because they are all readily available in other more traditional educational settings. More like, What makes the Keller Plan a little different, these are components of the Keller plan based on ten principles: self progress; unit mastery; student instructors; optional motivational lessons; and learning from written material. The first component, self-progress, is the most obvious attempt to individualize instruction. From the second component, unit mastery, it can be seen that the content does not change because the volume content is fixed. Mike Naumes to illustrate the static nature of content, Describes the basic design of a course using Keller's personalized education system: Dividing the course material into several units…. dividing the material into units of one to two weeks…. [ve] as each unit material is covered, students are given specific learning objectives. These, Specifies exactly what a student needs to know to pass a unit test. (s. 2)
last three components, shows that the teaching method varies slightly from person to person.. Although all students learn from written material and from student instructors, motivational lessons are optional. Making these courses optional, Although extremely limited, provides some flexibility in terms of teaching method. Basically, What more or less stands alone as the individualized component of this teaching system is its self-paced pace..
Proponents of the Keller Plan, mentions many benefits, including better retention and increased motivation for further learning. At the same time, There are others who criticize the Keller Plan., for example: limited teaching methods, college dropout rates and reduced human interaction. Discussion on the effectiveness of Keller's Personalized Education System with its advantages and disadvantages, self-sufficient, raises fundamental questions about the nature of self-paced learning. Really, There are opportunities to design instruction in line with the Personalized Instruction System approach. This, especially with high enrollment, applicable where course material is standardized and stable and faculty resources are scarce. on the other hand, when there is no shortage of lecturers, or if the class size is not large, course with more traditional methods, but still could have been better taught based on sound educational principles. Where the line is drawn in the continuum between these two extremes is a matter of opinion and must be based on the context in which the teaching will take place.. Given the large number of studies and reviews that support both sides, one of the extremes is completely correct, It would not be appropriate to claim that the other is wrong..
Audio-Tutorial.Audio-Tutorial, 1961Samuel N at Purdue University in. It is an individualized teaching method developed by Postlethwait.. Purpose, to find an improved method for teaching botany to more college students and effectively assist students with only a limited background in the subject. Development of an Audio-Tutorial program, requires a significant amount of planning and time by the instructor. Although there is room for some changes for each specific program, general principles remain the same. Students, have access to a taped presentation of a specially designed program that directs their activities one by one. Basic principles of Audio-Tutorial “(1) repeat; (2) concentration; (3) attribution; (4) unit steps; (5) Intended use of the communication tool; (6) using multiple approaches; ve (7) using an integrated experience approach” (Couch, s. 6).
Main benefits of Audio-Tutorial, “students are able to adapt their work pace according to their ability to absorb information.. Exposure to difficult topics, repeated as often as necessary for any student” (Postlethwait, Novak ve Murray, s. 5 ). Students, as well as spending more time if they want, They can also accelerate the pace of their learning.. Other benefits, students feel more responsible for their learning and can accommodate more students with less laboratory space and fewer staff.
Some key criticisms common to Audio-Tutorial courses, Robert K while evaluating the graphic design course. illustrated by Snortland. The primary criticism concerns the claim of responsibility.. Apparently, some students react to the responsibility placed on them, some don't. This is thought to be explained by the reluctance of some students to take on the amount of responsibility required to complete the course., there was a problem with the initial dropout rate. Snortland, “many first year students, not ready for the additional self-discipline required of them in the AT format., that the choice of a structured approach or an individualized approach should always remain open.” He recommended (s. 8). Many other criticisms of Audio-Tutorial courses, relates to teacher control. Instructor, dictates all materials, including learning and feedback procedures. Criticism, that this is a serious form of teacher control over the student.
Like the Keller Plan, Voice Training, allows individual learner to set their own pace and content is anchored. With this, Unlike the Keller Plan, there are more instructional delivery methods when designing a course. Still the locus of control, Stays with the instructor in Audio-Tutorial too.
Computer Aided Instruction (CAI). Most advocates of individualized instruction, computer, now in an electronic environment, saw it as a way to further develop the design and delivery of individualized instruction. With the advent of the computer, Unlocked potential to deliver individualized education more strongly. This potential, envisioned long before the home computer became widespread. John E. Coulson wrote in 1970:: “a modern computer, features that closely parallel those needed in any education system seeking to provide highly individualized instruction”(s. 4). He also noted the specific benefits the computer can offer. (s. 5):
- “It has a very large memory capacity that can be used to store or create educational content materials.”
- “Computer, can make complex analyzes of student responses.”
- “Computer, matching resources with individual student needs, can make decisions based on the evaluation of student performance.”
Although there are many expected benefits of using the computer to give instructions, CAI in practice, heavily criticized for its hidden side effects. These are Henry F.. Beautifully expressed by Olds:
Learning, It is under the control of some unknown source that determines almost all aspects of the interactive process.. To learn, one must suspend all normal forms of interaction and engage only in what the program requires.. Learning, it is an isolated activity primarily to be performed in one-on-one interaction with the computer. Normal human-to-human dialogue is suspended when learning with a computer. Learning, understand how the program expects someone to behave (to think) and includes adapting one's behavior accordingly. The person must suspend the idiosyncratic behavior. Learning (quite complex, even in branched programs) linear, It's a step-by-step process. learning from the computer, creative insights, intuition, cognitive leaps and other nonlinear mental phenomena must be suspended. (s. 9)
Hatta Olds, “that online time should be mixed with many opportunities for human interaction.” and computer people “to wander through the program structure” suggested some solutions to these problems by stating that it should allow (s. 9).
CAI, 1980In the 's and early 1990's, as the home computer gets more powerful and cheaper, Pioneered in individualized education. Changes that the computer environment helps to make, rather than a fundamental change in purpose or method., was predominantly a change in the delivery mechanism of individualized instruction. In a sense, the computer, especially home computer, offered a convenience not found in other distribution mechanisms. This convenience was accelerated by the spread of the Internet in the late 1990s.. Beginning as an extension of computer-based instruction, online education became increasingly popular and eventually replaced CAI as the dominant form of individualized instruction..
Distance Learning. 1990Increase in the number of non-traditional students attending university, coupled with the technological potential of the internet, led to a renewed effort to teach in an unconventional style. Accessibility and convenience – not research – are the primary drivers in this move towards teaching in the form of online education. James DiPerna and Robert Volpe, 1990While reviewing over 200 articles on online teaching in the 's, found that only one article directly addressed the impact of technology on learning. Partnerships between businesses and higher education institutions, emerged to address the growing need for continuing education.
Whether it is more or less effective than traditional training seems less worrying. in most cases, audience is non-traditional and has limited access to traditional education. In addition, many students who might otherwise attend physical institutions, chooses online education for convenience. In other words, what was originally established out of necessity, now expanded with students choosing this route for convenience. Spread of online education, accelerated to a point where the general feeling among higher education institutions was willing participation. Speed, in terms of method and content, There is a wide variety of competing approaches to distance education and no dominant model has emerged.. Like previous iterations of individualized instruction, it is usually the teaching speed that varies the most. Content and method in most cases (mainly on the Internet) is fixed.
Recent Issues
Individualized teaching, comes in many forms, all aimed at improving teaching in some way. As can be seen in the examples above, alternative teaching approaches are often not the content itself., changes the pace and method of teaching. Although it is divided into different sections, content is often consistent with traditional teaching.
Other benefits are also important, but not consistent across approaches. Each approach has its own prescriptions and each has been heavily criticized – but this is expected. Even now, Individualized teaching in its various forms is still a relatively new innovation and will remain under scrutiny until various criticisms are disclosed..
Perhaps the deepest criticism, Ronald T. Hyman's “Individualization: Hidden Agenda” Coming to the article titled. He was generally concerned with the latent functions of individuation.. In an effort to individualize, the most common approach is to segment the subject and teach it at a self-taught level, but Hyman “Divided Junk Is Still Junk” (s. 414) warns about. There is no concern about what the problem really is and this is, is the subject. Claims that individualized instruction typically does not change the subject to suit the student's needs. without doing this, there is a compromise from individualized teaching.
in a nutshell, individualized teaching, speed of teaching, has the potential to improve teaching by changing the teaching method and content. Most approaches allow self-advancement, however, variation in method and content is rare and often very limited when it does. From the beginning of the twenty-first century, there is no indication that this trend will change in the near future., however, it is certain that there will be great developments as the research base in this field increases..
C OUCH, R ICHARD W. 1983. “Individualized Instruction: Review of Auditory-Tutorial Instruction, Guided Design, Personalized Education System and Individualized Lesson Lessons.” Paper written for partial fulfillment of the University of Kansas Doctor of Philosophy degree. ERIC Certificate ED 252178.
ERNA DIP, J AMES C. ve V OLPE, RO OBERT J. 2000. Evaluation of Web-Based Teaching in Psychology. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
H YMAN, R ONALD T. 1973. “Individualization: Hidden Agenda.” Primary School Magazine 73.412–423.
K OR , F RED S. 1968. “Goodbye Teacher….” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1.78–89.
K OR, F RED S. 1982. Pedagog’s Progress. Lawrence, KS: TRI
MCG AW, D ICKINSON. 1975. “Personalized Education Systems.” Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco.
N AUMES, I POWER. 1977. “Keller Plan: A Method for Putting the Responsibility of Learning on the Student.” perspectives 1977:1–7.
O LDS, H ENRY F. 1985. “Microcomputer and the Hidden Curriculum.” Computers in Schools 2 (1):3–14.
P OSTLETHWAIT , SAMUEL N. ; NOVAK , JOSEPH D .; ve M URRAY , HALLARD T HOMAS . 1972. Auditory-Tutorial Approach to Learning. Minneapolis, MN: Burgess.
S NORTLAND, RO OBERT K.. 1982. “Individualized Teaching Approach: Audio Education.” College Teaching Monograph. ERIC Certificate ED 226656. Bismarck: University of North Dakota.
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